Grand Rapids Vital Streets

What are Vital Streets?
Vital Streets Grand Rapids provides a framework for designing a network of city streets and rights-of-way that are accessible, attractive, multimodal and safe; serving all people of our community, contributing to the livability of our neighborhoods and business districts, protecting the quality of our river, and increasing economic opportunity to individuals, businesses, and new development.
Infrastructure assets will be maintained and well-managed, using a multi-faceted funding and educational strategy and innovative approaches to preserve our investment.
The Vital Streets Oversight Commission is a body of appointed citizens responsible for monitoring the deployment of the Vital Streets resources raised from the 2014 Vital Streets tax measure.
Vital Streets Oversight Commission membership
Vital Streets Oversight Commission meetings and minutes
What is the Vital Streets Oversight Commission?
How did the Vital Streets initiative come to be?
Vital Streets arose from an effort by the Sustainable Streets Task Force. Read their report here.
Vital Streets = Complete Streets + Green Infrastructure